Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Sparrow

Long time, no seeeeeeeee!!!

I'm gonna leave the personal stuff (aka, why I haven't been posting more etc.) to a separate post, because I am bursting at the seems (ha, no pun intended) to share the maternity session I shot this past weekend!! Ahhh!!!

My boss, Bill Meyer of Meyer Fitness & his beautiful wife, Lauren, are expecting a sweet baby girl sometime in the next few weeks. Bill & I had discussed my taking their pregnancy pics, way back when Lauren was barely showing & now we are just awaiting her arrival! I'm pretty excited about it all. I love babies so much & taking these pictures made me realize how I wish I had more pregnant friends, just so I could be around that energy. That "she's could make her appearance any day now" vibe that just makes everything that much more exciting.

I am excited to share with you baby Sparrow's first photo session!!

Enjoy, & Congratulations to Bill & Lauren. You guys are gonna be sweet parents. (I mean, what parent isn't going to be awesome when you already have a pink baby field hockey stick for her.) ;)

Update soon!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am. And however long I end up going with next to nothing to show for it, I think about you, little blog, on an-at-least-weekly basis.

Not enough time to give you a full update. I'm just going to hit on the high points.

1. I am officially 25 years old now. This has been a slightly less than comforting eye opener to me on the things that i've accomplished (or not )...

2. I finally (finally, finally) have an iPhone. Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend & my own determination to not wait another 4 years to succumb to the [yes] costly purchase of a CELL PHONE, I had to realize that it'll be an investment of sorts that will hopefully open my creative eye & help to organize the chaos.

3. I applied to ODU a few weeks ago to begin the next chapter of my education journey. One that I am very much looking forward to completing.

Hmm, short list. At least I have hit the high points with hopes that I now "have an app for that" random need to blog, it actually will become more of a normal thing.

Until next time!